
Editing ✺

I have worked at the heart of UK trade publishing for over five years, with editorial experience at Hachette, Penguin Random House, Pan Macmillan. Having worked across non-fiction and lifestyle for some time, I currently hold the position of Editorial Director on Bloomsbury’s wellbeing imprint, Tonic.

Authors I've worked with include Alex Conner and James Brown, Rosie Viva, Renee Kapuku and Courtney Daniella Boateng, Vee Kativhu, Natalie and Naomi Evans, Alexina Anatole, Rukmini Iyer, Zeba Blay, Rachel Cargle, Chloe O. Davis, Paula Akpan, Dr Beth Mosley, Scott Shigeoka, Vanessa Kingori, Amy Thomson, Claire Eastham, Ruth Millington, Richard Godwin, Angelica Malin, Rachel Thompson, Dave Goulson, James King, Andrew Gimson, Stephen Moss, Mohsin Zaidi, Marisa G. Franco, Calum Harris, and Vex King and Kaushal.

As a freelance editor, I work with prospective authors, agents and publishers on developing brilliant stories. Most recently, I edited Grant Brydon’s self-development music book, Life Lessons from Hip-Hop which was published by Dorling Kindersley in the UK and US. I also guest-edited Bad Form’s seventh issue, which was dedicated to Caribbean Literature, collaborating with Duppy Share on the publication.

I’ve also collaborated with publishers and award bodies as a guest judge. I am currently a guest judge for the prestigious Crime Writer Awards, where I judge the ALCS Gold Dagger for Non-Fiction Award. I’ve previously judged awards including Penguin Random House’s Lit in Colour Creative Student Prize, Dope Reader Club x GUAP’s Letter to a Womxn Competition, and One in Four New Writer Competition spearheaded by Trapeze (Orion Books) in collaboration with The Pool and Gingerbread.

I offer freelance editing services, including structural and line editing, as well as proposal and manuscript assessments, and I am formalising programmes and workshops which I hope to share soon. See some testimonials below of authors I have supported in proposal assessment and support, editorial services and agent representation.